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Hello, my name is Jacqueline Tarrant and I, have been a Beauty Professional for many years. I grew up in the Beauty Business because my mom was a salon owner and my aunt before her was a salon owner also. I have had the opportunity to work in corporate environment also. When I worked for Loreal USA as an employee, I was encouraged to participate in the 401K plan where the employer matches retirement contributions.

When you are self- employed, it's all up to you and far too often you are always finding other areas where money needs to be spent. Too many of my beauty associates and friends have not planned for the future.


Have you noticed, not many are talking about retiring early, in fact, we are living longer and we will be working longer. If you were born before 1960, your full retirement age is 66. You may begin drawing Social Security as early as age 62, but if you do, your benefits will be reduced by about 25% of their full value. For many, without a plan to fund your future, you may have to work until you are 70 or beyond. Wow, that's a long time to work, and with the physical demands of the beauty business, you may have to become a greeter at Walmart. This is probably not your plan, but without a plan it could be your future. 


According to the 2015 CareerBuilder's annual retirement survey, "54% of senior workers (age 60+) say they'll work after retiring from their current career -- up from 45%  last year. Of this group, 81% say they'll most likely work part-time, while 19% plan to continue working full-time. Customer service, retail and consulting are the three most common jobs these workers plan to pursue.


I've partnered with some top financial and beauty Industry advisors who will provide the information you will need to plan your business to work smart and not as hard, to keep the money your make by using smart tax and money strategies and finally insurance and retirement strategy investments to grow the money you make.

Stay tuned for upcoming newsletters, seminars and classes to help you FUND your FUTURE!


155 N Michigan Ave.- Suite 606

Chicago, IL 60601



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